Monday, June 14, 2010

Answers for Teacher’s Survey

*According to the question 1 “How many year have you been teaching English” five teachers answered they have taught from 6, 15, 22, 30, and 33 years.

*According to the question 2 “Which levels are you teaching” the teacher answered they are teaching from seventh to ninth, seventh to eleventh, seventh to eleventh, seventh to eighth and eighth graders.

*According to the question 3 “What is innovation for you” the teacher answered that innovation is…
To use different methods, techniques or tools in the classroom for students better understanding.
It is something new, creative.
To apply new techniques and strategies in the classroom.
To do something new and creative for the students in order to motivate them to learn English.
It is new things I don’t know and can be learn either technological or written.

*According to the question 4 “Do you consider yourself as an innovator teacher” the teacher answered…
No. I have to move to different places, so for me is so difficult to carry out extra material. I use books and flashcards but those are not innovative material at all.
Yes. I try to use my computers, presentations, new learning activities
Yes. Because I try to make ma classes in different ways, using different materials, games, stories etc, in order to catch students’ attention
Yes. Because I try to do interesting my class.
No. I’m not that proficient with modern technological tools.

*According to the question 5 “What tasks would be put in practice to achieve an innovative class” the teacher answered…
Videos, recordings, listen to natives exchanging points of view about different topics.
New activities related with dialogues, songs…
Songs, movies, videos etc.
Brainstorming to get information from my students, interactive practice in which students can improve their language.
Watching videos and they can guess what’s coming up, scaffolding and I like trying role plays.

*According to the question 6 “What are the main techniques you use to teach English” the teacher answered…
Reading comprehension, repetition, recognition of pictures or drawings, games, role plays…
Repetition of vocabulary, readings, dialogues
Pictures, realia and tapes.

*According to the question 7 “What kind of technologies do you use” the teacher answered…
Tape recorder, computers,
DVDs, tv, computer, video beam
CD Player and Laptop

*According to the question 8 “Do you consider that teacher’s attitudes affect the environment in the classroom” the teacher answered…
Yes. If students have a good relationship with the teacher it is very easy to develop the teaching- learning process, but if the students are uncomfortable with the teacher they are not going to participate and they will not pay attention what the teacher is trying to teach.
Yes. Because if I arrive to classes with a negative attitude or angry, they are going to realize about that, and the environment is going to be affected.
Yes. Teachers need to be serious and strict with their teaching and friendly to increase students’ interests.
Yes. Because a wrong teacher attitude can interfere in the students attitudes too.

*According to the question 9 “What kinds of teacher’s attitudes affect the environment in the classroom” the teacher answered…
Disrespectful, disinterest, arrogance…
Superiority, to be an insolent person or using bad manners
When teachers are angry or they don’t want to answer student needs.
Bad temper, lack of communication with her/his students.
When teachers are lazy and they are not creative.

*According to the question 10 “Do you consider that student’s problems and feelings affect the environment in the classroom” the teacher answered…
Yes. Students use to behave as they feel. If they are happy, they are going to participate; but if they are sad they are not going to do it.
Yes. Students act and participate in the way they are feeling.
Yes. Because if they have problems in their houses they are going to transmit them in the class disturbing the classmates.
Yes. Because if they have problems, those problems affect student behaviors in the acquisition of knowledge.

*According to the question 11 “Are you conscious of your student’s problems and feelings” the teacher answered…
Most of the time (I think)
Mmm, sometimes

*According to the question 12 “Do you consider that student’s motivation affects the environment in the class”
Yes. If they are motivated in learning a new language they will participate and be interested in putting attention during class time.
Yes. Because if they really like the language, they are going to learn it, but if they do not show motivation for it, it is most difficult for they to learn it
Yes. Because if they are not motivated they won’t feel attraction to the second language
Yes. Because if they are not motivated, they don’t learn.

Friday, June 4, 2010


If we have to imagine about English classes many time ago we can say that it was a kind of difficult to learn a second language because educator’s purpose were just to understand texts, sentences ,etc. However, teachers are implementing new techniques and methods because they are interested on their students needs; it means that educators understand that English as language is very useful and necessary.

On the other hand, innovation has been a little difficult because schools and high schools do not have equipment or technology to be applied, so students are sometimes limited to use it.

The innovation is necessary if we want to have changes in our classes and it is a possibility that we have to break daily routines and it will be a great opportunity for our students to promote their communication.

Importance of Innovation

Nowadays our education has received information from many people, this information is necessary and useful in English departments and it is according to the needs students have.

In education teachers must take into account that innovation is necessary because students need to have more different ways to break daily routines catching student’s attention, also it is a good way to change environment in the classroom, for that reason teacher must implement new techniques, strategies, methods and approaches.

On the other hand, it is important that educators want to be changing their minds, because most of the time teachers who are working since many years ago do not want to learn new ways to teach because they think that it is not necessary because they have all they need to share. So, teachers must be changing every single day, it does not matter if we have to learn new things…………